An established professional chiropractic practice of 35+ years in Melbourne. Specialising in back pain and posture correction, rehabilitation & prevention of spinal mechanical dysfunction within the human frame.
Whether you are in acute back pain or require maintenance and management of chronic postural conditions our chiropractor Dr Chris Georgiou will tailor a specific program to help achieve optimal health.
Dr Chris Georgiou spends the necessary time and uses a thorough examination process to determine the functional issue. Through his years of experience Dr Chris Georgiou uses his knowledge of the spine and applies a combination of catered techniques to allow the body to function at its best.
The Back and Posture Clinic is your trusted local chiropractic clinic in Mount Waverley & Sunshine, Melbourne. Do not take the risk with your health, if you are facing any spinal concerns, visit our chiropractic clinic to get an opinion & put together a plan of action. The Back and Posture Clinic continues to provide a quality community based service to Mount Waverley, Sunshine and surrounding suburbs.
Corrective care is the first stage of care for analysis, correlation and interpretation of results. It is a completely different approach to achieve and maintain optimal health. An evaluation & examination of the patients spinal health or affected area is included. The Corrective Care adjustment and alignment when treated over time, can help correct spinal alignment and facilitate the health of degenerative conditions and general decay of the spine.
- Patient history & discussion of chief complaint
- Physical examination of spine and/or related areas
- Radiographic examination & correlation of results
- Plan Of Action & Posture Correction advise.

Poor Postural habits and are a big contributor in spinal and back pain problems. When you see the symptoms, its important to address them then so they do not cascade into ongoing changes that affect the area of pain and other secondary associated areas. This phase encourages & promotes healthy cartilage balance. Poor posture can result in a lifetime of spinal imbalances that affect us as we age. At The Back and Posture Clinic we provide an accurate plan for all your spinalpain and postural based issues.
- Facilitation of cartilage preservation
- Prescription of specific exercises for postural advancement
- Prescription of supplementation if needed for tissue support
- Postural advice & unlearning bad habits with implementing tools for work & home environments
This stage of care is achieved once the body has undergone structural and soft tissue changes resulting in greater symmetry and balance between spines. There is seamless integration and health between upper and lower spines resulting in less wear and tear through accessory joints like knees and feet.
Patients at Back and Posture clinic understand that a good functioning body requires work from time to time to keep it tuned and running.